Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Credit due

I believe in giving credit where it is due; even if it is someone that I do not care for, or frequently disagree with.

Obama is due some credit. I do not like what he stands for, overall. I do not like how he has weakened and disrespected our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but I have to agree with the items he discussed during last night's SOTU speech.

All of those points are worthy of accomplishing. However, I have to wonder, why after 6 years in office with a Democratically controlled Congress, has he now put forth this agenda when he has a Republican controlled Congress?

As sure as the sun will rise in the east, and no matter how well meaning or noble the legislation, the Republicans will defeat it; even if the legislation has no offensive riders attached, Republicans will oppose it simply because they did not sponsor it and it came from a Democrat.

Both sides are guilty of these childish actions. I am sure anyone reading this has experienced a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. That is exactly how our Congress acts. They really will "cut off their nose to spite their face".

I am so sick of politicians of every ilk and kind! I have come to the opinion that regardless of their affiliation, they are childish, greedy, power-hungry, spoiled and completely lacking in integrity or any moral character.

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