Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Credit due

I believe in giving credit where it is due; even if it is someone that I do not care for, or frequently disagree with.

Obama is due some credit. I do not like what he stands for, overall. I do not like how he has weakened and disrespected our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but I have to agree with the items he discussed during last night's SOTU speech.

All of those points are worthy of accomplishing. However, I have to wonder, why after 6 years in office with a Democratically controlled Congress, has he now put forth this agenda when he has a Republican controlled Congress?

As sure as the sun will rise in the east, and no matter how well meaning or noble the legislation, the Republicans will defeat it; even if the legislation has no offensive riders attached, Republicans will oppose it simply because they did not sponsor it and it came from a Democrat.

Both sides are guilty of these childish actions. I am sure anyone reading this has experienced a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. That is exactly how our Congress acts. They really will "cut off their nose to spite their face".

I am so sick of politicians of every ilk and kind! I have come to the opinion that regardless of their affiliation, they are childish, greedy, power-hungry, spoiled and completely lacking in integrity or any moral character.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Falling gas prices

As usual, the news media will not delve deep enough into this subject, and the politicians are definitely not going to speak out on this.

What I have to say below is easily verifiable if you care to just do a little research. I will not provide links to all of my material because I am of the opinion that if you are weak-minded you will merely accept what I post and consider it to be true. Only those that are capable of reason and logic will truly benefit from validating this article.

Primarily, our gas prices are controlled by OPEC. Yes, the oil companies also add an outrageous profit margin, but the base commodity of crude oil is still determined by OPEC.

Due to the cost of imported crude oil, the oil companies here in the U.S. began investing in fracking. This method has been around for quite some time, but it has gained popularity again because it can extract more oil from the oil shale that our country sits on top of. Yes, it is a dirty business and there needs to be improvements, but that is for another article.

Due to the increase production of domestic oil, our imports from OPEC have substantially dropped. Obviously, OPEC is not happy about that. However, this increased domestic supply is much cheaper than the import price, so the prices naturally went down.

OPEC, seeing the danger of falling demand for their oil, and suffering tremendous financial loss, has lowered their prices to compete. Their publicly stated goal is to continue to lower the price until it is no longer financially viable for the U.S. to pump domestic oil. OPEC has stated it is willing to do anything to keep the monopoly, and once they are secure in their position, they will raise the prices back up to where they were previously, and most likely, higher, to make up for their losses.

So, we have a foreign government that has publicly stated that they want to control our economy their their machinations and our elected leaders do not do anything about it. Our media, who only reports what the administration approves, won't accurately report on it, if at all.

Our country has a chance, right now, to break the monopoly of OPEC. We need to place a levy and/or import quotas on imported oil so that it remains profitable for the U.S. to continue to improve our production and safety and perhaps to further explore other means of fueling our cars, such as hydrogen fuel cells or better battery technology.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gas prices

It's interesting that there has not been one word in the media as to the real reason for gas prices to be soaring. It's not OPEC, it's not the oil's the Wall Street traders. They are trying to cover their bets and are competing against each other to buy oil, running up the prices in the meantime. Then there are the traders that bet that the prices would go up and are encouraging them to do so.

One national reported said with a straight face that the reason for the price increase was that demand had dropped and now there was an oversupply; this was the same reporter that last year reported that prices were going up because the demand outpaced the supply.

Obviously, the media is either too cowardly to report the real reason or they are just plain stupid and report whatever they are spoon-fed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Anti-Masonic Viewpoints

I’ve been “surfing the web” to see what is written, both favorably and unfavorably, about Masons. The anti-Masons are quite verbal, very adamant and vigorous in their quest to destroy anything Masonic.

By far, the most common AM (anti-mason) is the “religious” type. These are the ones that claim that they have found the true faith and belief and all other beliefs are false. Since they can’t directly attack any of the mainstream religions without alienating just about everyone around them, they seek out an easier target, such as the Masons.

Usually, this person belongs to a fundamentalist religion, led by a very charismatic “pastor” that tells his congregation his version of the truth.

I consider myself well articulated, knowledgeable and able to discuss any subject objectively and logically. So, I have, in the past, attempted to engage these people in a dialog regarding their misconceptions about the Masons. It has proven to be a futile attempt.

My opinion of such people is that they have a serious character flaw or perhaps a mild to severe mental/emotional instability. They feel an absolute hatred and/or fear of the Masons based on what they are told by someone else of the same mind. They refuse to listen to logic or facts, choosing instead to fall back on religious quotations or false “facts” that they have been indoctrinated with. When faced with the truth or have their own perceived truths confronted, they get angry and lash out. These are not the actions of a normal and reasonable person.

No amount of discussion, logic or presentation of facts will sway them from their ill-conceived opinion. It’s too much of a blow to their self-esteem to admit that they are wrong. They feel that we are attacking them personally and trying to force them into something that they feel is evil.

It’s best to leave these people to themselves. So what if they go around spouting their nonsense. Anyone that they are able to sway to their way of thinking is not someone we would be interested in for membership into the Masons.

As for the person that is not interested in Masonry merely because they do not like to join organizations, or perhaps they are an agnostic or atheist, or any other personal reasons, then just be polite, smile and let them go on their way.

However, if a man is of such character that he asks what we are about, then you have the opportunity to introduce him to the wonders of the fraternity. You have encountered a thinking man, a person that has an open mind and is willing to listen. These are the types of men that we are interested in.

Keep your eyes and ears open for the opportunity to share your Masonic enthusiasm with someone that you might someday be able to recommend to receive the degrees of Masonry. Never bypass the chance to plant that seed.